Eitleán Scaird Púdraithe Balún Cosmaí
Gelsonlab HSTM-017 Little Treasures Eitleán Scaird Púdraithe Balún Cosmaí Educational Learning Kit
Faigh amach faoi fhuinneamh, cumhacht agus tiomáint, aerchumhacht agus eitleáin
Smaoinigh go cruthaitheach agus tionchar a imirt ar an gcomhshaol leis an bréagán glas seo
Is féidir an t-eitleán a thógáil ó na treoracha simplí ag leanbh ina aonar le fíorbheagán cabhrach ó dhuine fásta
Molta do leanaí atá 8 mbliana d’aois nó níos sine
Déanta le hábhair phlaisteacha shábháilte agus neamh-tocsaineacha: Tá páirteanna beaga ann a choinníonn leanaí faoi bhun 3 bliana d’aois
Cur síos ar an Táirge
Imagine taking off down the runway in an airplane powered by balloons this jet airplane is sure to ignite a child's imagination as Eitleán Scaird Púdraithe Balún Cosmaí flies under the power of balloons the ecologically minded child will be thrilled to explore different alternative energy sources. The engineer to be will like building an airplane and experimenting with it. Little Treasures cosmic balloon powered jet airplane is not only fun, it's also a great learning tool that parents and educators can use to help children the child can first use the simple and easy to follow instructions to assemble and paint the airplane model with very little intervention from an adult. Then they can set about learning how to use the balloons to power the jet airplane.