Bréagán Ceallraí Diy Enviro
Gelsonlab HSTM-012 Eolaíocht oideachasúil DIY bréagán Enviro Battery
An ceallraí atá neamhdhíobhálach don chomhshaol!
Tá go leor ábhar sa trealamh le haghaidh níos mó ná 4 thurgnamh éagsúla
Foghlaimeoidh leanaí conas a thagann práta nó uisce salann i gcumhacht
Foghlaim an eolaíocht atá taobh thiar den chumhacht!
An bronntanas foirfe do leanaí 8 mbliana d’aois agus níos sine.
The most unique and non-polluting energy sources you can find on Earth - the potato, salt water and mud. Be amazed at how they light up a bulb or sound buzzer. Bréagán Ceallraí Diy Enviro includes experiment guide for making a coin battery, fork battery, potato buzz wire game and more. Caution: High Voltage Inspiration! Contains 3 zinc plates, 3 copper plates, connection wires, 3 plastic cups, a light tower, a LED lamp with connection wire, a sound chip with connection wire, an experiment record sheet, adhesive tape and detailed instructions. 8 Years +