Solas Liathróid Plasma
Gelsonlab HSPE-037 Solas Liathróid Plasma 6" inch Interactive Touch Responsive Lamp Tesla Plasma Ball Plasma lamp Plasma magic light
Cur síos ar Tháirgí:
You don't have to be in school to get an educational lesson in static electricity when you have the Plasma Ball 6 inches right at your fingertips. This Solas Liathróid Plasma may be filled with plasma filaments that will dance inside of the sphere, but it is also filled with scientific knowledge and exciting intrigue for you and your children. Turn on this device and experience static electricity and let the fun begin as you spend hours just watching these colorful rays flicker and bounce around. Dimensions: 6.9" x 6.9" x 12.8" in., Globe approx. 6 inches diameter *Disclaimer: Our plasma ball features a sound activated function but will only work with loud sounds or speakers. Sound sensor is underneath the base of this lamp.
Eolaíocht i Cruinneog: Lampa Orb Plasma Inaistrithe le corna Tesla
Foghlaim Idirghníomhach: Téigh i dteagmháil leis an liathróid ghloine chun na sruthanna plasma a ghiniúint agus a rialú le do mhéara!
Éasca le Úsáid: Cumhachtaithe ag cuibheoir 12V (san áireamh)
Bronntanas Mór a Dhéanamh: Maisiúchán spraoi d'aon teach, oifig, scoil nó deasc
Toisí: 6 Inse (9 "x 6.9" x 12.8 "in.)
Hot Tags: Solas Liathróid Plasma, Déantúsóirí, Soláthraithe, Saincheaptha, Bulc, Brandaí, an tSín, Praghas Íseal, CE, Faisean, Nua, Ardchaighdeán, Ard, CRUA, Díol is Deireanaí, Classy, Díol Te